Paper and Wood


Paper and Wood

In the paper and wood industry, lubrication serves to maintain machinery, reduce friction and heat during processing, ensure smooth material flow, prevent corrosion, and adhere to safety and environmental standards. It plays a vital role in optimizing production efficiency and product quality.

Common Applications

Paper Sheet Forming Section

In the paper sheet forming section of the paper and wood industry, lubrication is essential for several purposes, including preventing sheet sticking, ensuring uniform pulp distribution, facilitating drying, and maintaining equipment. It plays a crucial role in producing high-quality paper while adhering to environmental and quality standards.

Paper Press Segment

Lubrication is vital in the paper press segment to prevent paper sticking, maintain sheet integrity, and facilitate smooth processing. It’s applied to press rolls, felts, and dryer cylinders, ensuring even moisture removal and preventing tears or defects in the paper.

Paper Mill Dryer Cylinders

Lubrication in paper mill dryer cylinders is employed to ensure smooth rotation, prevent paper sticking, and maintain paper quality during the drying process. It reduces friction, aids moisture removal, and contributes to efficient and high-quality paper production.


Lubrication in reelers in the paper and wood industry is crucial for smooth winding and unwinding of paper rolls. It reduces friction between the paper and equipment, preventing damage and ensuring consistent, high-quality rolls. Proper lubrication practices are essential for maintaining efficient production and product integrity.

Loading Equipment

Lubrication in loading equipment within the paper and wood industry is essential for the smooth and efficient handling of raw materials and finished products. Loading equipment, such as conveyors, rollers, and lifting mechanisms, often operate under heavy loads and in dusty environments. Proper lubrication of bearings, chains, gears, and other moving parts minimizes friction, reduces wear, and prevents corrosion, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted operation. Additionally, specialized lubricants are used to withstand the challenging conditions posed by wood dust and paper fibers. Regular lubrication maintenance not only extends the lifespan of the equipment but also enhances productivity, prevents breakdowns, and ensures the safe and seamless movement of materials in the paper and wood industry.

Infeed / Conveyors

In the paper and wood industry, lubrication is vital for the infeed and conveyor systems that handle raw materials and finished products. These systems often involve a complex network of rollers, chains, bearings, and gears, which require smooth operation for efficient material handling. Proper lubrication reduces friction, preventing wear and tear on moving components and ensuring seamless transfer of materials. Additionally, lubricants used in these applications are specifically formulated to withstand the harsh conditions, such as dust and high loads, commonly found in paper and wood processing environments. Regular lubrication maintenance is essential to extend the lifespan of the infeed and conveyor systems, optimize production processes, and maintain a high level of productivity in the industry.


Lubrication plays a critical role in the debarking process within the paper and wood industry. Debarking machines, equipped with rotating blades and cutting mechanisms, require precise lubrication to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Proper lubrication reduces friction, minimizes wear on cutting edges, and extends the life of machine components. Additionally, specialized lubricants are employed to withstand the challenging environment, including exposure to bark residues and high mechanical stresses. Regular maintenance and lubrication schedules are essential to guarantee the optimal performance of debarking equipment, enabling the industry to process wood efficiently for paper production and other applications.

Saw Guide Lubrication

Lubrication in saw guide systems is indispensable in the paper and wood industry, where precision cutting is paramount. These systems, comprising intricate guides and bearings, require meticulous lubrication to ensure smooth movement and accuracy of cuts. Proper lubrication not only minimizes friction but also prevents overheating, reducing wear on blades and extending their lifespan. Specially formulated lubricants are used to withstand the harsh conditions of sawing, such as sawdust contamination and high-speed operations. Regular and targeted lubrication maintenance is essential to uphold the efficiency and longevity of saw guide systems, enabling seamless wood and paper processing in the industry.